- Calor launches Ireland’s first BioLPG renewable gas cylinder to meet growing consumer demand for greener Energy solutions.
- Rashers top the list of most unconventional BBQ’d foods in Ireland
- Seafood, garlic bread, a whole chicken and toast within top five
- Three quarters of 18-24 year olds looking for a cleaner BBQ option
- Calor launches Ireland’s first BioLPG renewable gas cylinder to meet growing consumer demand for greener energy solutions
Research, commissioned by Calor to mark the launch of Calor BioLPG, Ireland’s first renewable gas now available in cylinders for barbeques and patio heaters, has shown rashers and bacon (33%) to be at the top the list of the nation’s most unconventional barbequed foods, followed closely by seafood (28%), garlic bread (18%) and even a whole chicken (14%). Interestingly, renewable products are a key focus for those aged 18-24, with three quarters (72%) claiming to be more likely to barbeque more frequently with a cleaner renewable fuel and almost half of all adults (49%) sharing this view. Calor’s new BioLPG gas cylinders allows for greener grilling this summer.
Barbeques: Not Just for Burgers
When it comes to how we use our barbeques, consumption patterns of people in Ireland have moved beyond the traditional burger, with research by Calor unearthing insights into a host of unconventional barbequed foods. Rasher or bacon topped the list for 1 in 3 (33%), followed closely by seafood (28%), garlic bread (18%) and even a whole chicken (14%). A further (7%) admitted to grilling toast with (6%) utilising their barbequing skills to prepare toasted sandwiches. The same percentage (6%) claimed to have grilled pizza, with a further (2%) breaking away from tradition to prepare their Christmas turkey.
Cleaner Greener Grilling Fuels Appetite For BBQ
According to Calor’s research, the growing trend of environmentally conscious consumption is prevalent when it comes to how people in Ireland barbeque. Insights show that almost half of all adults (49%) would be more likely to barbeque more frequently with a cleaner renewable fuel, with this rising to three quarters (72%) amongst those aged 18-24, showing clean cooking to be more important to ‘Generation Z’.
BioLPG Gas Cylinders
Calor’s new BioLPG is produced from a mix of sustainable sources, including waste and residue materials and sustainably-sourced renewable vegetable oils, allowing for ‘greener grilling’ this summer. Calor BioLPG works exactly the same as regular LPG and will work seamlessly with existing gas appliances and equipment. If a BBQ or patio heater already uses gas cylinders, then it will be able to use Calor BioLPG renewable gas.
Battling the Elements To BBQ
When it comes to how often people in Ireland fire up their barbeque, just over 8 in 10 (82%) adults claim to barbeque at least once over the course of the average summer. Almost 4 in 10 (35%) claim to barbeque at least once a month with a further 1 in 4 (23%) adults admitting to barbeque at least once a week during the summer months. Amongst those who barbeque, just over half (52%) claim to have barbequed in inclement weather such as drizzle, rain, strong winds, hail and snow, with a further 1 in 3 (30%) claiming to have battled the elements to barbeque more than once. The research also showed that those aged 18-24 are most likely (67%) to have barbecued in inclement weather.
A Step Towards Carbon Neutrality
Sharon Nolan, Marketing Manager at Calor, emphasized:
Calor is delighted to be the first company in Ireland to offer a renewable gas alternative for BBQ and outdoor enthusiasts. With a growing interest in patio heaters and outdoor living, we want to ensure that people can enjoy their time outdoors while making an environmentally responsible choice. This launch is another step in our journey to becoming carbon neutral by 2038.
Sharon Nolan
Marketing Manager at Calor