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Calor News 3 min 24/07/2024

A Day with LPG Trucks: Learning and Discovery at Calor HQ

LPG Trucks: Learning and Discovery at Calor HQ
LPG Trucks: Learning and Discovery at Calor HQ

Calor Welcomes New LPG Trucks to Its Fleet

It was an exciting day at the Calor head office when two new gleaming LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) trucks arrived on the premises. Part of a fleet of 10, these trucks marked the beginning of Calor’s ambition to modernise its operations. The trucks will run on HVO instead of diesel which will significantly lower our CO2 emissions.

Enhancing Safety & Operational Awareness

The visit coincided with the Operations Health & Safety Committee Meeting, providing an opportunity for employees to engage directly with the drivers and learn more about the safety-related equipment on board, including wheel chocks, fire extinguishers, and emergency eye wash bottles.

Insights from the Road: Drivers Share Their Experiences

The drivers, with years of experience, shared their stories from the road, speaking about the intricacies of navigating diverse terrains, the importance of adhering to safety protocols, and the satisfaction of meeting our customers’ needs.

Employees could ask questions and get hands-on experience with the trucks. From understanding the refuelling process to learning about emergency measures, the teams got a comprehensive look at the operational aspects of LPG transportation.

Prioritising Safety in LPG Handling

Safety is paramount when it comes to handling LPG, and this was a key focus of the discussions. The drivers emphasised the rigorous training they undergo, and the constant vigilance required to prevent accidents. They also showcased the protective gear they wear and the protocols they follow in case of an emergency.

Building Trust & Collaboration

The visit did more than just educate; it built a bond of trust between the office workers and the drivers. Understanding the challenges faced on the road and the dedication to safety fosters a deeper sense of respect and gratitude towards those who are at the forefront of our operations.

Learn more about Calor LPG.