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Calor's Environmental Responsibility


We have a responsibility to safeguard the environment and protect our future.


At Calor, being environmentally responsible is key to our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy. We are fully committed to sustaining the environment by combating climate change and tackling air pollution. Our mission is to make responsible decisions that will protect our environment now and for future generations and also to reduce our business impact on the environment.

Our LPG and LNG products help communities and businesses in rural Ireland to transition from higher carbon intensive fuels like solid fuels and oil, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and improving indoor and outdoor air quality. Calor launched renewable BioLPG in 2018, demonstrating our commitment to playing an active role in Ireland’s low carbon energy future. BioLPG offers up to 90% lower emissions than existing LPG products.

Calor’s commitment to reducing the impact of our business operations on the environment includes our approach to energy management, water and waste management, sustainable transport, carbon management and biodiversity.

We have developed an Aspects & Impacts Register which is a record of the environmental aspects associated with our activities and an evaluation of whether those aspects have or could have a significant impact on the environment. The register is reviewed in line with any changes in environmental legislation, changes to our work processes and in the event of an environmental related incident. As a minimum the register is updated annually. 

Calor is an active business supporter of the “All Ireland Pollinator Plan”. The plan is a framework to bring together pollinator initiatives across Ireland to make us more “pollinator friendly”. We all depend on the important services provided by pollinating insects such as bees and other beneficial insects. Simple initiatives such as reducing pesticide use or introducing pollinator friendly plants are some of the projects that Calor is working on implementing.


View Calor's policy statements for Environment, Health and Safety, and Quality to learn more.

Our carbon impact

involves offsetting our emissions by considering the effect of our products or services on our customers’ carbon footprint

0 1 0 8 1 4 t CO2 saved

Equivalent to
The numbers represent the period between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020

Our carbon footprint

involves lowering our direct and indirect emissions throughout the entire value chain

3 7 7 9 5 4 t CO2 saved

Equivalent to
The numbers represent the period between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020