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Corporate Governance


We have a strong culture of ethics and compliance.

Calor is part of SHV Energy (LPG) Holding B.V. (“SHV”) a global Dutch business based in the Netherlands. SHV specialises in lower carbon and cleaner energy solutions for communities and businesses located off the natural gas grid, whilst reducing emissions and improving air quality. For further information please see SHV’s 2019 Sustainability Report.

As part of SHV, we are committed to principles that ensure effective corporate governance. For more information on the day to day governance of our business please see Corporate Governance (scroll down to view this section).

Business in the Community

We are a proud member of Business in the Community (“BITC”); a non-profit organisation inspiring companies to improve the impact they have on society, specifically in the community, environment, marketplace and workplace. 

As part of Calor’s sustainability commitment, our goal is to achieve the BITC ‘Business Working Responsible Mark’, the leading independently audited standard for CSR and Sustainability certification in Ireland.  This involves a series of external assessments and audits looking at leadership, policies, practices, performance and impact in areas across Ethics, Stakeholder & Employee Engagement, Customer Service, Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Environmental Practices and CSR Communications. The Mark is audited by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) and is based on ISO 26000.

Stakeholder Engagement

In order to distribute our products safely, efficiently and with sustainability at the heart of everything we do; we engage with multiple stakeholders throughout Ireland.  Our vision is to be a leading supplier of innovative, lower carbon and cleaner energy solutions for rural Ireland. Throughout this journey, our customers will remain at the core of everything we do. We rely on our ever growing community of committed stakeholders to ensure we make an important impact over the short, medium and long term for rural Ireland and our planet.

By actively listening and engaging with our stakeholders we can build on our product and service offering and address their needs and preferences.

We are excited about our Stakeholder Engagement Plan and the new relationships we will nurture along the way.  We would like to thank each of our stakeholders for their on-going support in assisting us with our corporate responsibility initiatives. See our Stakeholder Map.

Corporate Governance


The day to day responsibility for the management, financial control, sales and operations of the organisation is driven by our CEO Duncan Osborne who delegates to the Senior Leadership Team and to the Extended Leadership Team. The Senior Leadership Team and the Extended Leadership Team is committed at all times to achieving the highest standards of compliance, ethics and conduct through corporate governance.   


The Board has an effective committee structure to carry out its responsibilities. The Board has a number of Health and Safety committees across the business, a Compliance and Ethics committee and an Internal Audit Committee.  Additionally, as one of the founding members of Liquid Gas Ireland (“LGI”) (formerly the ILPGA), we participate in nationwide and European working committees in furtherance of our membership obligations.

Compliance and Ethics Management

The day to day coordination and management of compliance and ethics is conducted by our General Legal Counsel and Compliance Officer, who has implemented and embedded a strong ethics and compliance culture with the Senior Leadership Team, Extended Leadership Team, each of the departments and functions throughout the business. 

The Compliance Officer

This person reports directly to the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer on all aspects of Calor’s Compliance and Ethics strategy.

We are required to comply with and submit returns under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 to the Standards in Public Office (SIPO).

We are full members of LGI. The Association represents companies operating in the LPG and BioLPG industry in Ireland. LGI is committed to working with consumers, stakeholders and policymakers to support Ireland’s goal to tackle air quality, drive decarbonisation and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.