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30/01/2019 In the Community

Oil theft attracts the attention of Irish criminals

over ground tank
Garda and PSNI continue to issue warnings to the public about the frequency of home heating oil robberies across the island of Ireland.  

There is a vibrant black market for home heating oil, which means that criminals can easily sell the oil that they steal from homes.  It is estimated that in recent years, oil theft has risen by as much as 150% in the Republic of Ireland.  
Calor LPG cannot be stolen and is the secure alternative for homes.   Increasingly, new Calor customers are giving this as one of the reasons why they have made the switch to gas.  
Home heating oil is stored in tanks in back gardens.  These gardens are rarely secured with anything more than a basic lock (if at all!) and the process of stealing the oil is relatively easy, very quick to achieve and very hard to stop.  A full tank of home heating oil is worth a substantial amount.  For many homes, a fill of home heating oil will be one of their biggest purchases in any year.  
It is believed that criminals are actively monitoring the deliveries by oil companies, to ensure that they are able to target homes when they have their fullest tanks.   The advent of drone technology has made surveillance of homes by criminals far easier. 
If you want to make the switch to the secure fuel, contact us.